
July 18, 2022
Posted in Cosplay

This is our new website for all things Millions related. We thought we’d first start by shouting out to all our wonderful family of cosplayers and, of course, to F.ukuro and Lani for being so supportive of our new quest – You all are such wonderful humans to work with on a daily basis. Secondly, we have to shout about the wonderful assignment that Falsefitt did by animating for Genshin this week – What an awesome job of bringing to life a character yet to be seen.  View it here

Anyway, we’ve all got work to do, so check back soon, and we’ll keep on connecting brands with Millions and building up the agency as we are on a daily basis, to make sure we can bring the best possible situations for you all – and your wonderful creations.

Big love to all,
O xx 


Don't Be Shy, Say Hi.

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our talent, cosplayers, tours, endorsements, appearances and Influencer campaigns.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

We love new projects and we get as excited as our influencers (and often clients themselves) when we get to work alongside great brands creating exceptional international campaigns. Whether global or pin-point targeted, we’ll help you achieve your goals.

UK / USA: Enquiries:

联系方式:+86 15602842430

24/7 Global Campaigns

Wherever you are in the world, we can help. Although we are primarily based in the United Kingdom, we are constantly working around the clock to bring you the best brand collaborations and social media cosplayer influencers money can buy – making certain that you reach your target audiences, day time, night time, every time.


Don’t leave your campaign up to Mr. Luck and Lady Chance. We ensure that our influencers are fully up to speed with every short or long form campaign – before they pick up the camera. Audiences will always spot the non-genuine. We hand-match you to the right people and don’t just leave it to a computer algorithm as we believe in the human factor. Precision is everything.

CALL: UK/USA: 0044 (0) 207 097 1417
