
Millions. For the Cosplay Family.

Our cosplayers are some of the best in the world.
Attention to detail is everything, right?

Millions. For all brands globally

Whether you want to launch a product, boost a song’s performance, promote a game or just release 2.0, we’re here to help you with your vision. If you can dream it up, we’ll move heaven and earth to make it work out, exceptionally and hopefully beyond all your expectations.
Here are just a few of the amazing people we’ve been working with. You’ve all helped shape Millions Agency since we started and we thank you all for having faith in us from the outset.


What We Do.

Cosplay is here to stay. Over time many scenes are created that people freely dismiss as ‘flash in the pan’ or ‘blink and you’ll miss it’. Cosplay isn’t like this. It’s expressionism, it’s a personal snapshot in time, it’s rock ‘n roll, it’s definitely art and it’s freedom all rolled into one.

The creations that spring to life and so amazing to behold, to us they’re like the special glue that made Nirvana so good, or the magical so-called x-factor. Millions upon millions of cosplay creators worldwide have found their home within this art form and it’s growing at an exponential rate, which we are really watching unfold right now.


We are building the finest collection of cosplayers and welcoming the best and biggest into our new brand family daily. Leaving you to do what you do best, create and amaze!


We negotiate with the most incredible brands in the world to make sure our cosplay influencers get the best rates for the brand promotions, collaborations and even appearance shows that they’re offered.

Photographic / Costume

We represent and also work alongside some of the best photographers & fabricators in the world, whether that’s in Music, Film or Cosplay worlds.


Business services like contract checking and amendments, making sure you’re not being asked to sign away your rights simply because you don’t understand the legal jargon, is another of our specialities.

Let’s talk about your project

Rockstar Team.

We were born from the Music and Entertainment Industries, our President was on the beach when he got a call from Michael Douglas to set him on his way in the music business. Our U.K. Vice President also works in studios like Abbey Road and RAK as a producer and has also managed superstar talent worldwide. So it’s safe to say we’ve been there, seen it, pretty much done most things, even picked up a few gongs on the way! – so it’s time to really make an impact on the cosplay world by linking incredible marketing campaign opportunities & amazing creators. The best thing of all, we understand Gen Z – modern marketing never sleeps and that makes this generation super-exciting, because why should we have to wait? when campaigns can and should be run at the speed of thought (Thanks to Bill Gates for that line!)

We have teams in all our global office locations below and we’re ready to create something amazing with you today, so just get in touch and we’re rocking.




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Verifiable Social Reach


Clients Worked With


Completed Projects


Times we got beaten by that creature in the basement in Last Of Us 2


Latest News.

The latest Millions news from our studio in England.


Don't Be Shy, Say Hi.

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our talent, cosplayers, tours, endorsements, appearances and Influencer campaigns.

Let’s Talk About Your Project

We love new projects and we get as excited as our influencers (and often clients themselves) when we get to work alongside great brands creating exceptional international campaigns. Whether global or pin-point targeted, we’ll help you achieve your goals.

UK / USA: Enquiries:

联系方式:+86 15602842430

24/7 Global Campaigns

Wherever you are in the world, we can help. Although we are primarily based in the United Kingdom, we are constantly working around the clock to bring you the best brand collaborations and social media cosplayer influencers money can buy – making certain that you reach your target audiences, day time, night time, every time.


Don’t leave your campaign up to Mr. Luck and Lady Chance. We ensure that our influencers are fully up to speed with every short or long form campaign – before they pick up the camera. Audiences will always spot the non-genuine. We hand-match you to the right people and don’t just leave it to a computer algorithm as we believe in the human factor. Precision is everything.

CALL: UK/USA: 0044 (0) 207 097 1417
